Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Tiny Rant

Okay, I'm a bit peeved. And I have no one to blame but my own hedonism, but still, since this is my blog, I'm going to rant a bit.

Remember how in my post below I explained how I ordered Anne Stuart's Black Ice on Amazon and then cancelled it off the order because I could get it quicker (and for $1.54 cheaper) at K-Mart?

Well, in trying to maintain my $25 threshold so I could get their free shipping, I somehow ended up with two orders. There is a way to combine orders, which was what I wanted to do, thus well exceeding the $25 mark. I created a new shopping cart, threw in two books from my Wish List, and proceeded to check-out.

For some reason, though, I couldn't combine the orders. I ended up with one order that came in at $22.27 and a second order that came in at $19.97. The first order cost me $4.98 in shipping charges and the second $5.97!! So by spending just a dollar more on each order, I would have gotten another book out of each deal. And I don't think it takes a Rhodes scholar to see that two books is better than shipping charges paid.


That'll teach me to be impatient.

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