Thursday, January 19, 2006

Happy Anniversary, Bloggie!

Wow, it's actually been a whole year since I started this little 'ol blog. A whole freaking year!

Let's see, in that year, I've posted 225 entries. That's an average of 1 entry every 1.6 days. Not too shabby since I had no idea how well I'd do keeping up. I've proven to myself that I have the ability to accomplish something if I just sit down and do it.

I've had over 11,000 visits. Never in a million years did I expect that. Wow.

It's been a great exercise in discipline. Knowing that at least a couple of folks might be checking in to see if something new was posted kept me accountable, and going more than a couple of days without posting something made me feel kind of twitchy.

I've really come to enjoy having this space to air my viewpoints and to blather on about stuff that really is of interest mostly to me. I've loved hearing from people who've been kind enough to leave comments.

It's been a good year.

I'm excited about the next one! Who knows where I'll be on my next blogging annivesary?

1 comment:

Ronn McCarrick said...

225 posts in your first year. That's nothing to sneeze at. I think it took me a full two years just to get into the swing of regularly posting.

Happy Anniversary and keep the posts coming.